Guidelines for Weddings
1. There are No weddings on SUNDAYS and during regular MASSES on Weekdays (6:00AM, 7:00AM and 6:00PM)
2. Weddings should be arranged and scheduled at least ONE MONTH before the wedding date. RESERVATION FEE of P 7, 500.00 is required – deductible to the marriage fees (NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-MOVABLE strictly). All fees should be settled one week before the wedding date.
a. Marriage License from Civil Registrar’s Office
b. CENOMAR – Certificate of No Marriage from NSO
c. Marriage Contract from NSO (if civilly married)
d. Certificate of Baptism (Bride and Groom) with parish seal and marked “For Marriage Purposes.”
e. Certificate of Confirmation (Bride and Groom) with parish and marked “For Marriage Purposes.”
f. Permission from Parish Priest of the Bride and Groom.
g. Publication of Marriage Banns – in the parishes of the Bride and Groom for 3 consecutive Sundays.
h. Attendance of Pre-Cana or Pre Marriage Counseling (2nd and 4th Saturday of the Month at Mt. Carmel)
j. Birth certificate (Bride and Groom)
k. List of Principal Sponsors
l. Canonical Interview with a Priest at Mt. Carmel (every TUESDAY and FRIDAYS at 8:00AM) ONE MONTH before the wedding (with complete papers) PLEASE BE ON TIME.
m. A letter of delegation from the Parish for couples who have their OWN officiating priest.
4. MIXED MARRIAGE: Marriage between a Catholic and non-Catholic – secure a permit from the CHANCERY OFFICE – Diocese of Cubao.
5. Marriage between a Filipino and a Foreigner: Secure Civil Status at the Foreign Embassy.
6. The couple should inform Mt. CARMEL SHRINE PARISH OFFICE if they have their OWN officiating priest. In case the invited priest doesn’t show up in the wedding, it is the responsibility of the wedding party to look for substitute.
7. The Rites for marriage approval by the Holy See in the Philippine Roman Catholic Church must be observed. In case the couple will have Nuptial Mass Missalette printed, a draft should be submitted to the parish office for approval before printing. Nuptial missalettes not submitted for approval may be rejected.
8. CHURCH DECORATIONS: A simple, elegant and proper decorations shall be provided by the Parish. Contracting parties, however, may provide additional ornaments and flowers.
9. WEDDING MUSIC: Is not included in the package, but we require the couple to get the Mt. Carmel choir for the cost of P4,000.00 only, otherwise, there is a penalty of P 1, 000.00.
10. PHOTOGRAPHERS: Only two or three Photographers and one Videographer may be allowed on the altar. They should limit their movements especially during the wedding rites.
11. BE PUNCTUAL, only ONE HOUR is allotted for the whole celebration. In extreme cases when contracting parties start too late, only the marriage rite will be celebrated.
2. Weddings should be arranged and scheduled at least ONE MONTH before the wedding date. RESERVATION FEE of P 7, 500.00 is required – deductible to the marriage fees (NON-REFUNDABLE and NON-MOVABLE strictly). All fees should be settled one week before the wedding date.
a. Marriage License from Civil Registrar’s Office
b. CENOMAR – Certificate of No Marriage from NSO
c. Marriage Contract from NSO (if civilly married)
d. Certificate of Baptism (Bride and Groom) with parish seal and marked “For Marriage Purposes.”
e. Certificate of Confirmation (Bride and Groom) with parish and marked “For Marriage Purposes.”
f. Permission from Parish Priest of the Bride and Groom.
g. Publication of Marriage Banns – in the parishes of the Bride and Groom for 3 consecutive Sundays.
h. Attendance of Pre-Cana or Pre Marriage Counseling (2nd and 4th Saturday of the Month at Mt. Carmel)
j. Birth certificate (Bride and Groom)
k. List of Principal Sponsors
l. Canonical Interview with a Priest at Mt. Carmel (every TUESDAY and FRIDAYS at 8:00AM) ONE MONTH before the wedding (with complete papers) PLEASE BE ON TIME.
m. A letter of delegation from the Parish for couples who have their OWN officiating priest.
4. MIXED MARRIAGE: Marriage between a Catholic and non-Catholic – secure a permit from the CHANCERY OFFICE – Diocese of Cubao.
5. Marriage between a Filipino and a Foreigner: Secure Civil Status at the Foreign Embassy.
6. The couple should inform Mt. CARMEL SHRINE PARISH OFFICE if they have their OWN officiating priest. In case the invited priest doesn’t show up in the wedding, it is the responsibility of the wedding party to look for substitute.
7. The Rites for marriage approval by the Holy See in the Philippine Roman Catholic Church must be observed. In case the couple will have Nuptial Mass Missalette printed, a draft should be submitted to the parish office for approval before printing. Nuptial missalettes not submitted for approval may be rejected.
8. CHURCH DECORATIONS: A simple, elegant and proper decorations shall be provided by the Parish. Contracting parties, however, may provide additional ornaments and flowers.
9. WEDDING MUSIC: Is not included in the package, but we require the couple to get the Mt. Carmel choir for the cost of P4,000.00 only, otherwise, there is a penalty of P 1, 000.00.
10. PHOTOGRAPHERS: Only two or three Photographers and one Videographer may be allowed on the altar. They should limit their movements especially during the wedding rites.
11. BE PUNCTUAL, only ONE HOUR is allotted for the whole celebration. In extreme cases when contracting parties start too late, only the marriage rite will be celebrated.